Sunday, March 3, 2024

Catholic Magazine Admits It Is The Commandments Of Men (of the 6th century)

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:9

"Bishops and priests declare absolution.
Q: So why do Catholics have to confess their sins, offenses against God, to a priest?
Q: Why not confess directly to God?

Establishing a relationship with a confessor can also help mend our
relationship with God and community.
The sacrament draws upon sixth-century practice where the confessor was a spiritual director; confession was embedded within a process of spiritual guidance. Penances were designed, within a genuine relationship, to help individuals learn how they might be Christ for others. Ultimately, Catholics confess to a priest in order to be better transformed into the body of Christ." 
U.S. Catholic