Monday, March 11, 2024

Blind Eyes & Dull Ears

"The world’s first and fatal malady is sin
All its sufferings and sorrows, its woes and disappointments and wrongs, its corruptions and evil passions,—pride, hatred, envy, and revenge,—its thorns, malaria, mildew, and desert wastes, its fairest and dearest hopes blighted and buried in the mold and darkness and terror of the tomb, - all these find their origin, nourishment, and support in this one root of bitterness, this up as tree of sin
The only remedy, then is the removal of sin.

Q: But who is sufficient for this mighty task? 
Q: What means are adequate for its accomplishment? 
--Men cannot do it; angels cannot do it; 
A: There is only One of exaltation so high, of merit so great, of power so mighty, as to be able to reach down an arm of strength, and lift from humanity the awful burden; only one name under heaven, given among men, whereby they must be saved,—the name of Jesus: *Thus is our Lord placed at once in the very focus of that view which should attract the attention of mankind.

Blind eyes must be startled by a vivid light, 
and dull ears pierced by an earnest cry, 
to behold and seize the opportunity of life. 
So by that marvelous forerunner of Christ, the voice was raised. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)."
Uriah Smith