Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Archaeology: What Amazon Findings Point To

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Genesis 11:8

"Most anthropologists assumed that before the arrival of Europeans, the indigenous people of the Amazon only ever lived in small
‘Stone Age’ tribes. They taught that societies always progressed from simple to complex, so these peoples had never progressed past a ‘hunter-gatherer’ stage of social evolution.

However, new discoveries are adding to a growing body of evidence that the forerunners of today’s Amazonian tribes were very sophisticated indeed. 
Using a remote-sensing technology called Lidar1 to reveal what is hidden under the forest canopy, a team of archaeologists have discovered the remains of 26 densely populated urban centers. Two of these cities were three times the size of Vatican City.

These urban centers were very complex, with 70 ft. pyramids, elevated roadways, and walled compounds with broad terraces. They also had sophisticated water management systems involving canals and reservoirs to support the large population. The reservoirs may have also been used to farm fish or turtles for food. All this fits well with the Bible’s teachings in Genesis. ..... humans were created intelligent from the beginning.

Also, the descendants of the Ark survivors who built Babel would have had both ship- and city-building know-how. 
Yet, following their dispersal, the evidence indicates that many cultures must have lost technology and utilized stone tools for survival, in some cases permanently. 
And a hunter-gatherer tribe today does not give us a glimpse of an evolutionary stage that all societies inevitably go through. 
Genesis tells us that city-building, metalworking and other sophisticated skills were present within the first few generations after Adam, early on in human history."