Saturday, February 17, 2024

SDA Issues - The "Compliance Document"....Use It

But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said. Exodus 8:15

"The Hamburg-Grindelberg SDA Church in the North German Union is not resolving their problem of having an Out-and-Proud bisexual-pastor. In fact, they are pushing their LGBTQ agenda even further. Here are two examples,

This week, the Grindel SDA Church announced on their website
that they are collaborating with SDA Kinship (a pro LGBTQ activist group).

In April, 2024 they are having another pro-gay-theology conference. The purpose of this conference is to promote LGBTQ by twisting the Holy Scriptures.

Like cancer, this problem in Germany is getting worse by the month. And like cancer, it will eventually kill the patient.
It started with the North German Union defying the world church on the issue of WO in 2012. 
As rebellion gives birth to rebellion, they have now moved on to the next gender confusion on the list, LBGTQ. Polyamory and pedophilia are next.

At Annual Council meeting 2023, the delegates voted to give the GC executive committee (themselves) the authority to resolve significant matters in the church at Spring Meeting as well as Fall Meeting. This authority, like the 2018
Compliance Document, means nothing if it isn’t used.

Use it.

The only other option is to let the church drift and bewail our fate when it crashes into the rocks of self-destruction.

Use it." 