Saturday, February 10, 2024

On the Streets of Babylon: Guncles Spotted on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "Guncles" seen on the Streets of Babylon ....

"Jonathan Merritt, the open and unrepentant homosexual son of former SBC president James Merritt, has announced the imminent arrival of his new children’s book, ‘My Guncle And Me’- with ‘Guncle being a contraction of ‘Gay Uncle.’
"On an ordinary evening a couple of years ago, I confessed to my friend @sniequist that I felt a holy nudge to write a children’s book, but I hadn’t found the perfect idea.
Why don’t you write a book about being a Guncle?” she said—and a bomb went off in my chest. THAT was the book I was meant to write!
Over the last two years, I forged this book with intentionality, creativity and joy. And finally—FINALLY—on May 14th, I get to share it with all of you.
MY GUNCLE AND ME tells the story of Henry Higgleston, a kid who struggles with feeling like an oddball and outsider at school. But when his fabulous Guncle arrives for the weekend, the pair take an adventure that opens Henry’s eyes to the beauty of his uniqueness and the liberating power of self-acceptance.
I wrote this story for any kid, big or small, who has ever felt different. I can’t wait for you to read it, but first I need your help."
In short, it’s a celebration of the beauty of unique traits, personalities, behaviors, and actions, which includes being a sodomite and all the sodomitic thing that comes with.
It’s not the first time Merritt has flashed his “Guncle” creds. We recently covered how his niece, James Merrit’s granddaughter, presented him with a ‘guncle’ bracelet in order to remind him he was special.
Merritt has done both. Two years ago, he encouraged his 70k followers to listen to a sermon by Jonathan, commending it as both “brilliant” and “faithful to the gospel.” In reality, it was a trainwreck that saw Jonathan castigating Jesus and describing him as being rude, ovearreactive, grumpy, engaging in PR stunts, and a “buzzkill.”
