Monday, February 19, 2024

Lesson of Peter on the Water

"Following the occasion of the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus instructed His disciples to board a ship and cross the Sea of Galilee while He remained behind to send away the multitude and to pray. 

A windstorm arose on the sea during the voyage, and the small ship
was tossed among the waves. To add to their distress, the disciples were confronted with what they thought was a spirit, and they cried out in fear. 
What they saw was Jesus walking on the water. Although the Savior announced that it was He, that they need not fear, some on the ship were skeptical. Peter challenged, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” And Jesus responded, “Come.” Matthew 14:28, 29

Peter left the boat and, like Jesus, walked on the water. 
*But when Peter looked away from his Master to the buffeting winds around him, his faith wavered, and he began to sink helplessly into the water.

This is one of the most profound illustrations in the Bible about how we all must approach every minute of every day, every trial, every tribulation, every season of blessing or hardship—by beholding the Christ." 