Sunday, February 25, 2024

IN the NEWS - When Politicians Legalize Stealing.... Then Arrogantly Act Surprised

Thou shalt not steal. 
Exodus 20:15

"San Francisco can experience the next best thing at Fredricksen's Hardware and Paint in Cow Hollow-----Retail theft has become so pervasive there that customers must be accompanied while shopping during certain hours. The public is greeted with a sign apologizing
for the inconvenience and asking them to wait for their employee escort. During certain hours, not only are customers made to wait for an escort, but they are blocked from entering the store until that escort is ready to help them. The store has had to lock up tools and household hardware to deter shoplifters.
At Fredricksen's, thieves will take anything that isn't nailed down. I'm not exaggerating. Staff members have literally had to drill floor models of pots and pans to the shelves to prevent them from being stolen. Black said that the store has had to resort to such measures since it has not gotten help from the police or city leaders......
Gavin Newsom, who moved on to feast on the rest of California after gnawing on the corpse of San Francisco. Perhaps having the people who created the problem try to solve the problem is not the brightest of ideas.

"California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) related that he had been
shocked to hear a clerk at a
Target store blame him for the wave of shoplifting that has struck retailers in the state since the adoption of criminal justice reforms that he has backed.
related a story of visiting Target and watching someone steal from the store. He expressed surprise that the clerk did not pursue the thief, only to be told that no one stopped shoplifters because the governor lowered the threshold for punishing thieves. The governor, whom the clerk did not recognize, protested: “That’s just not true,” he said. However, Proposition 47 of 2014, which he backed, and whose repeal he continues to oppose, reduced the penalty for theft up to $950 from a felony to a misdemeanor. He added that once the clerk recognized him, she wanted to take a photo with him, but he refused." 