Saturday, February 3, 2024

IN the NEWS - Insanity Fills the Land as We Near THE END

From ZeroHedge.....

"We’re not in the America that we grew up in anymore. 
Instead, we now live in a country that appears to be a cross between a
really bad science fiction movie and a freak show. 
Sadly, the pace of change has now reached an exponential rate, and things will get even more insane during the years that are ahead of us.

The following are 8 signs that demonstrate how truly bizarre our society is becoming…
#1 Facial recognition technology is now being implemented on a widespread basis. For example, the official TSA website is openly admitting that the TSA is starting to use facial scanning technology at airports nationwide…
#2 The elite want to make national borders meaningless, and that is quickly becoming the case. So many people from foreign countries have moved into the Twin Cities area in Minnesota that authorities are being forced to put up signs explaining that peeing, pooping and rape are not allowed while riding public transportation
#3 Do you remember Michael Cassidy? He was the guy that beheaded the statue of Satan at the Iowa Capitol, and now he is being charged with a hate crime
#4 In Montana, one family just had their 14-year-old daughter permanently taken away from them because they wouldn’t allow her to transition to a different gender
#5 Sticking with Montana, it is being reported that a “bioagent superlab” in the state is doing experiments with “Ebola, Lassa fever, Nipah, and even the plague”…
#6 During a Senate hearing on Wednesday, Ted Cruz asked Mark Zuckerberg why Instagram users are given the option to “see results anyway” when attempting to pull up images of child sexual abuse
#7 We have been warned for a long time that a cashless society is coming, but now we have reached a point where thousands of businesses all over the United States have already gone cashless…
#8 Would you allow someone to put a computer chip in your head? Well, it is really starting to happen. This week, we learned that the very first “brain chip” has been implanted in a human subject…

Q: What do all of these eight things have in common?
A: Each one of them shows that the agenda of the elite is rapidly advancing.

We are living in a society that they are designing for their twisted purposes and that represents their twisted values.
The good news is that we live at a time when all of their plans and programs will soon come crashing down."
For if they escaped not who refused Him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, 
if we turn away from Him that speaketh from heaven: 
Whose voice then shook the earth: 
but now He hath promised, saying, 
Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven
Hebrews 12:25,26