Saturday, February 17, 2024

Health Note - BEFORE YOU Eat those CHEERIOS.......

I wish above all things that thou mayest in health,
3 John 1:2

"Researchers recently discovered an agri-chemical found in
Cheerios, known to retard fetus development and reduce fertility, in a whopping 90% of samples taken from 2023, a substantial increase from the chemical’s presence in 69% of samples taken just a few years ago in 2017.

"Chlormequat chloride is a plant growth regulator whose use on
grain crops is on the rise in North America. Toxicological studies suggest that exposure to
chlormequat can reduce fertility and harm the developing fetus at doses lower than those used by regulatory agencies to set allowable daily intake levels. Here we report, the presence of chlormequat in urine samples collected from people in the U.S., with detection frequencies of 69%, 74%, and 90% for samples collected in 2017, 2018–2022, and 2023, respectively. Chlormequat was detected at low concentrations in samples from 2017 through 2022, with a significant increase in concentrations for samples from 2023."

*Somehow, crops managed to grow, and humans managed to harvest
them, for thousands of years prior to the Industrial Revolution.......agri-chemicals infused into popular food products like
Cheerios, universally with the effect of dumbing down, chemically castrating, and slowly killing the population — nice and quiet and orderly in manner, with ne’er a word of protest from 90%+ of the victims, just like the Nazis would have wanted." 