Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Creation Moment 2/7/2024 - Darwinists for Amusement in their Prison Yards.......

I have seen the foolish taking root: Job 5:3

"‘Origin-of-Lifers’ is our new term for the myth-mongers in the so-called “origin of life” community. Like convicted lifers, these
captives are imprisoned in a worldview they cannot escape. They will spend the rest of their days in their mental jail cells. 
Dr. James Tour of Rice University has a key to let them out, but they don’t want his help. They’re content as Origin-of-Lifers and feel no need for remorse regarding their scientific sins.

For amusement in their prison yards, known as labs, they make up stories about dead things coming to life—not by a transcendent Creator, but by the innate spirits residing in molecules. The spirits animate their dead physics into imaginary worlds where molecules arise and dance around the fire.

For Origin-of-Lifers, the spark of life emerges in their imaginations. Unwilling to see the light outside, they make their own. Inside their skulls, their imaginations “shed light on evolution” causing images of the Bearded Buddha to emerge, cooking proteins and salts in warm little ponds. Life “may have” happened in this way; to them, that is sufficient motivation for their passionate faith."