Monday, February 26, 2024

Creation Moment 2/27/2024 - Dragon Man?

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

"On 25 June 2021, an international research team announced a proposed new human species from China, which they named Homo longi. The specimen is a well-preserved cranium (skull), called the Harbin cranium. It was first unearthed in the province Heilongjiang, meaning ‘Black Dragon River’ (the exact location is uncertain), so its owner was nicknamed ‘Dragon Man’.

The braincase capacity is 1,420 cc—just a little bigger than the modern human average. 
---Evolutionists regard the robust features of ‘archaic’ humans, like
Neanderthals for instance, as more ‘primitive’ (in evolutionary terms) than the more delicate features of the supposedly more highly evolved modern humans, known as ‘
Gracile humans are alleged to be ‘derived’ from an earlier ‘archaic’ condition. The ‘Dragon Man’ skull is said to display “a mosaic of primitive and derived characters.” ‘Mosaic’ here implies that it has certain characters typical of robust humans, and others typical of more gracile humans. This is in contrast to each of the characters being a blend, mid-way between their condition in each group.

Not all evolutionists agree with assigning Dragon Man to a new species. An article in New Scientist gave two reasons why this is particularly so. 
One was that “H. longi seems to be more closely related to [i.e. more similar to] modern humans than the Neanderthals were”. 
The other reason is that we know from DNA that “modern humans and Neanderthals interbred successfully on many occasions.”

Interbreeding by definition makes humans and Neanderthals the same biological species. This is one of several reasons creationists have long pointed out that Neanderthals were fully human descendants of Adam and Eve, and more specifically of the eight humans that survived Noah’s Flood some 4,500 years ago. In other words, Dragon Man is just another robust human."