Friday, February 23, 2024

Creation Moment 2/24/2024 - Dented Cars & Free Will Deniers of Materialist–Determinist Ideology

How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. 1 Kings 18:21

"Free will denial is a cornerstone of materialist–determinist ideology. We are, say the deniers, purely physical machines, meat robots.
Atheist-materialist evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne is a prominent proponent of deterministic free will denial, and there are many others — philosopher Stephen Cave, biologist Robert Sapolsky, author Sam Harris, attorney Clarence Darrow, to name just a few.

Free will deniers invariably acknowledge that we have the ineluctable sense of freely choosing, and that our belief in free will is a cornerstone of human psychology, of our social interaction, of our moral codes and of our judicial system. 
Nonetheless, deniers claim, we are deluded. We are not free at all — we are slaves to the laws of physics and chemistry that govern the physiology of our brains.

Q: What to make of this bizarre viewpoint that we have no genuine freedom to choose — a viewpoint that is contrary to the lived experience of every human being?
Q: So what are free will deniers really doing when they say that they don’t believe in free will, but never act like free will isn’t real? 
A: Free will denial is determinist signaling, in which materialists flaunt their bona fides.
*If you carelessly dent a genuine free will denier’s car in a parking lot, he wouldn’t hold you responsible any more than he’d hold your car responsible."