Friday, February 16, 2024

Creation Moment 2/17/2024 - Root of Science Paper Fraud

The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. Psalm 10:4

"The reasons for the epidemic are many, including the researchers
drive for
prestige, tenure, promotions, obtain grant renewals, the powerful career-pressure researchers face to publish frequently, vindication of one’s theory, professional rivalry, and the need to prove one’s ideas.

Status as a research scientist is assessed based on three metrics: ­-----
--number of publications, 
--number of citations, 
--and an h-index, which quantifies a researcher’s productivity and impact. 
These metrics can incentivize unscrupulous scientists to produce “bogus stuff. … There’s no value in doing one very good paper, but there’s value in doing six good enough papers.

Another factor some add is the rejection of Christianity and moral absolutes, which has resulted in a deterioration of the moral foundation that is critical in controlling fraud. 
Some claim that the problem is so serious that it is possible that the majority of published research claims are, at least in part, false.

In researching the validity of the various supports for evolution, in my experience, it is common to come across biased research and conclusions and even outright grossly inaccurate claims. 
Although much of the “research” defending evolution is, at its core, opinion articles and not data, these papers are not likely to be flagged as fraudulent. 
Consequently, the number of academic fraud cases is likely much higher than Professor Besançon estimates."