Friday, February 9, 2024

Creation Moment 2/10/2024 - Mimas-mania

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. Genesis 2:1

"Mimas is a little icy moon outside of Saturn’s rings, just under 250 miles in diameter. Few are the astronomers who thought this little moon would have a subsurface ocean of liquid water – till today.

When the embargo was lifted on a paper in Nature, all the toadies in the Big Science Media raced to get their boilerplate to the internet, hoping to compete for clicks for their advertisers. 
This custom is rigged to popularize the consensus Darwin-materialist narrative. Since most science journalists are trained to treat “scientists” as true prophets and were trained in Darwin Indoctrination Centers (known as public schools), their duty is to write up the expert consensus as creatively as possible, not to question it. 
Reporters can ridicule politicians, but criticizing something a NASA scientist says would be way outside the rules of propriety for a science journalist
So here we go again, watching all quack in unison: “Mimas might have water! That means it might have life!

Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon Mimas may have an ocean scientists never believed could exist (, 7 Feb 2024). Mimas is sometimes dubbed the “Death Star moon” because its large crater Herschel makes it resemble the Death Star from Star Wars I.

Reporter Robert Lea was sure to include all the astrobiological
talking points. “
Astronomers have discovered that a tiny moon of Saturn, named Mimas, may harbor a hidden liquid ocean beneath its thick icy shell and may thus have the conditions for habitability.”
Water and rock interactions are thought to have played a vital role in the origins and continued existence of life on Earth, meaning such chemistry on Mimas is indeed an exciting prospect for investigations of life and habitability in the solar system."

We coined a term hydrobioscopy to refer to NASA’s persistent focus on water in the search for extraterrestrial life. Water may be a necessary condition for life, but it is not sufficient. Your body is 60% water. Should you therefore be called nothing more than a water balloon? 
If you find silicon, does that mean that computers might emerge from it? 

Mimas is a small object that looks extremely cold, with no geologic activity, and you would never expect any geophysical activity inside like heating, or contact between water and with silicates in its rocky core,” Lainey said. “Finding this happening is really astonishing.“

Q: Has water been observed at Mimas
A: No. 
Q: Has life been found there? 
A: No. 
Conclusion: astrobiologists are easily astonished at their own imaginations."