Sunday, January 21, 2024

The "Really" File - (Fly United?)

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"Taking time off from wandering in the Gadarenes, Scott Kirby, the
CEO of United Airlines is facing backlash after a video of himdancing as a drag queen surfaced on social media.
Kirby's statements from his now-viral 2021 interview drew heavy criticism from netizens. In the video, he asserted that his company was committed to ensuring that 50 percent of their hires should be women or people of color.
Scott Kirby’s other hits,
Incorporating DIE into United Airlines, and lamenting that there are too many white males in the airline industry.
From the "Really" File
Under Kirby’s ‘leadership’, United is now being sued for their draconian vax mandates. 
The suit alleges the CEO attempted to institute a “purge of religious orthodoxy,” “mocked and shamed” people who didn’t want to get vaxed and expressed animosity towards those with religious exemptions. As previously reported, the CEO who is also a drag queen said he hires based on diversity quotas." F7