Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Job 19:26: The "sum and substance of heaven"

In my flesh shall I see God. Job 19:26

"Mark the subject of Job's devout anticipation "I shall see God." 
He does not say, —"I shall see the pearly gates, I shall behold the walls of jasper, I shall gaze upon the crowns of gold," but "I shall see God." 
This is the sum and substance of heaven, this is the joyful hope of all believers.  
They love to behold Him in communion and in prayer; but there in heaven they shall have an open and unclouded vision, and thus seeing "Him as He is," shall be made completely like Him. 
Likeness to God—what can we wish for more? 
And a sight of God—what can we desire better? 
---Think not that this will be a narrow sphere for the mind to dwell in. It is but one source of delight, but that source is infinite. 
All earthly brightness fades and darkens as we gaze upon it, but here is a brightness which can never dim, a glory which can never fade—"I shall see God."
Charles Spurgeon