Saturday, January 27, 2024

IN the NEWS - "St. Paul's" vs. Gen. 5:2

Male and female created He them;
Genesis 5:2

"The latest example of parents becoming infuriated with diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI being injected into the education curriculum, comes from an elite private school in Baltimore County, Maryland.

Project Veritas posted on X this week that St. Paul's, a private school that charges $38,000 or more per year, issued a questionnaire to 5th-grade boys, asking if they were "Cisgender" or "Transgender" or "Gender Non-Conforming" or "Agender."

A parent at the school provided us with an internal memo from Patrick Walsh, Middle School Dean of Students, who told teachers: "We will not apologize" for being woke.

Last April, another elite private school down the street from St. Paul's, called Gilman, went full-woke tard with the "Day of Dialogue" to enrich their students about "LGBTQ connections in our curriculum." 