Saturday, January 13, 2024

IN the NEWS - Lucifer Targets the kids of Scotland -- and their Parents

Male and female created He them; Genesis 5:2

"Parents in Scotland are in danger of going to jail for quite some time if they refuse to allow their children to “change” their gender.
The disturbing news comes per recent plans by the Scottish National Party (SNP), Britain’s News Channel reported noting parents could face seven years behind bars.

A Telegraph report published Tuesday offered more insight into the plans:
SNP ministers acknowledged that so-called conversion practices often took place in a “family setting”, raising the prospect that parents could be criminalized if they refuse to go along with their child’s declaration that they are transgender.

Stopping someone from “dressing in a way that reflects their sexual
orientation or gender identity
” was put forward as an example of an action that would become illegal, even if a parent believed they were acting in a child’s best interests.

A consultation states that alongside new criminal sanctions, preemptive civil orders could be obtained against parents or religious leaders, even where conversion practices had not yet taken place."
