Tuesday, January 16, 2024

IN the NEWS - CASE STUDY: Why the Secular Left HATES Christians in Politics (Iowa Caucus Reaction)

Why the Secular Left 
HATES Christians in Politics 
(Iowa Caucus Reaction)
The Secular Left, that for years has been BASHING CHRISTIANS in the Political and Public Arena, has been on a kick to Bash Christians who vote for Trump.

btw, this post isn't about promoting Trump. It's about highlighting why the Secular Left really HATES Christians and uses Trump as a rod to beat up Christians. (DISCLAIMER: I'm not voting myself for Trump in the Primary-I'm voting for DeSantis).

I. "In the lead-up to Monday’s Iowa Caucus returns on MSNBC, network host Joy Reid attacked so-called white Christians as former
President Donald Trump was on the verge of an overwhelming win in the Hawkeye State. Reid deemed Iowa to be “overrepresented” by white Christians and blamed their motivations for Trump’s success.“This is a state that is overrepresented by white Christians that are going participate in the caucuses, especially tonight
.” Breitbart

II. "Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean claimed Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that Christians who voted for former President Donald Trump “have abandoned any pretense of being ethical.” 

III. "Hollywood filmmaker-actor Rob Reiner is taking aim at Christians who support former President Donald Trump....."

First, Romans 1 tells us the 3 steps humans took in turning from God. 1) They began to disbelieve.
2) They began to worship the creation rather than the Creator.
3) They began to lust after the same gender.

Second, the reason the Secular Left HATES Christians is because Christians oppose snuffing out beating hearts that haven't yet sinned
abortion), oppose the advancement in the public arena, especially in the schools, of sexual perversion and mutilation of minors (LGBT/transgenderism), are criticized by the Left for being the largest group to oppose their climate cult in polls (with the oft repeated attack that Christians are of the mindset that God is going to destroy this earth so the saving if the planet doesn't appeal to them due to some old book written thousands of years ago) and finally because they reject that we are related to common beasts of the field and rather are created in the Image of God (opposition to Darwinian Evolution and long Age Chronology).

Third, you see, 
--the Secular Left hangs their hat of Darwinian storytelling in order to then reject any authority in one's worldview of the Biblical God, 
--hence they can engage in or celebrate or promote LGBT. 
--And as a result of rejecting God they replace the Father God with the Mother Earth. 
--And finally, as their decadent minds are left to their own devices, as they sear their conscious, they stoop to sacrificing their unborn children on and to the ALTAR OF SELF via abortion.

So yeah, they have always Hated Christians in Politics.
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Romans 1:21