Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Creation Moment 1/24/2024 - Darwinians Caught in a Web

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: 
the Lord shall have them in derision. 
Psalm 2:4

"Two brothers, Jamie and Jonathan Hiscocks, found what is claimed
to be the world’s oldest spider’s web, supposedly spun in the dinosaur era 140 million years ago. They found the web encased in amber on a beach at Bexhill, East Sussex. As the cliff erodes, the fossils fall from the rocks and lie on the beach, waiting to be collected. The fossils are at least as old as the cliff strata.

Early images, taken by a paleobiologist at Oxford University, show that the threads in the amber resemble silk spun by modern spiders. Scientists expressed surprise that spider webs have stayed the same for 140 million years. 
---What is more amazing 
is that they don’t question the tangled web 
of millions-of-years when caught by spider evidence like this."