Thursday, January 18, 2024

Creation Moment 1/19/2024 - Creator vs. anti-human humans

"The Nazis were keen on creating a superhuman race with unsurpassable physical, intellectual, and (ironically) moral qualities. White supremacy, anti-Semitism, and radical medical practices like abortion, assisted suicide, and surrogacy all flirt with, or fully
applaud, the idea that “some people are worth more than others.” Whether it involves a person’s skin color, cultural and religious heritage, or the vulnerability of the elderly, disabled, and unborn, there is a resurgence of
Strangely enough, such anti-humanism comes to us in the name of humanity, in the name of “compassion.” Transhumanism, with its emphasis on technological power, tends to regard the human body and its mortality as a problem to be overcome instead of a gift from God to be accepted.
Human beings, precious simply for being human, are desecrated."


Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. 
Psalm 116:15