Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A Heavenly Escort

And, behold, I am with thee, 
and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest. 
Genesis 28:15

"Q: Do we need journeying mercies? 
Here are choice ones—God's presence and preservation
In all places we need both of these, and in all places we shall have
them if we go at the call of duty, and not merely according to our own fancy. 
---In all lands the believer is equally a pilgrim and a stranger; and yet in every region the Lord is His dwelling place, even as He has been to His saints in all generations. 

Jacob had never left his father's room before; he had been a mother's boy and not an adventurer like his brother. Yet he went abroad, and God went with him. He had little luggage and no attendants; yet no prince ever journeyed with a nobler bodyguard. Even while he slept in the open field, angels watched over him, and the Lord God spoke to him." 
Charles Spurgeon