Saturday, December 30, 2023

Puritan Corner - The Bitter Reckoning

Sin is not so sweet in the committing as it is heavy and bitter in the reckoning."
by Richard Sibbes (1577-1635)
For the wages of sin is death; 
Romans 6:23

Seeing Our Deathbed

Knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end? 2 Samuel 2:26

"You are a respectable attendant at a place of worship; you go because others go, not because your heart is right with God. 
This is your beginning. I will suppose that for the next twenty or thirty years you will be spared to go on as you do now, professing religion by an outward attendance upon the means of grace, but having no heart in the matter. 

Tread softly, for 
I must show you the deathbed 
of such a one as yourself

Let us gaze upon him gently. 
A clammy sweat is on his brow, and he wakes up crying, "O God, it
is hard to die. Did you send for my minister
?" "Yes, he is coming." The minister comes. "Sir, I fear that I am dying!" "Have you any hope?" "I cannot say that I have. I fear to stand before my God; oh! pray for me." 
The prayer is offered for him with sincere earnestness, and the way of salvation is for the ten-thousandth time put before him, but before he has grasped the rope, I see him sink
I may put my finger upon those cold eyelids, for they will never see anything here again. But where is the man, and where are the man's true eyes? .....he was so accustomed to hear the gospel that his soul slept under it. Alas! if you should lift up your eyes there, how bitter will be your wailings." 
Charles Spurgeon

Creation Moment 12/31/2023 - Admitting they may be WRONG

"Weird cosmic clumping hints our understanding of the universe is wrong (New Scientist, 12 Dec 2023). For all its evolution dogma and climate hysteria, New Scientist has one trait worthy of notice: its willingness to admit ignorance. 
--Yesterday we saw one of their articles shame-facedly admitting that human evolution is all wrong
--Now, this article says that cosmology may be all wrong

Leah Crane writes, “A vast survey of more than 25 million galaxies
confirms we still can’t be sure how much matter clusters together, suggesting something is awry with the standard model of cosmology.
” Results from three years of data collected by a telescope in Japan led to this worry.

We don’t know how clumpy the universe is. A survey of more than 25 million galaxies has found a discrepancy between the two main ways to measure how matter is clustered, suggesting that there is something wrong with the widely accepted standard model of cosmology – our best understanding of the universe.

The best theory of anything may not be a good theory, just like the best horse in a race may be a cripple but the best of the worst (see Best-in-Field Fallacy). 
Every theory, however, will be tested by new discoveries. Cosmologists baffled by the results can always rescue “standard models” of things by tweaking imaginary parameters of unseen, unknown and theory-laden concepts like dark energy." 
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; 
and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 
1 Corinthians 1:25

Friday, December 29, 2023

Last Sabbath of 2023

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

 And on the seventh day God ended His work
which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day
from all His work which He had made.
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:
because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made.
Genesis 2:1-3

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:

in it thou shalt not do any work,...For in six days the LORD
made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the
sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Exodus 20:10,11

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on
the earth, .... Saying with a loud voice, Fear God,
and give glory to Him; 
for the hour of His judgment is come: 
and worship Him that made heaven,
and earth, and the sea,
and the fountains of waters.
Revelation 14:6,7

Creation Moment 12/30/2023 - C.S. Lewis "Evolution" Hymn

Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: Colossians 1:28
"Lead us, Evolution, lead us Up the future’s endless stair:
Chop us, 
change us, 
prod us, 
weed us,
For stagnation is despair:
 yet progressing,
Lead us, nobody knows to where." 
C.S. Lewis

Thursday, December 28, 2023

IN the NEWS - Social Media Push for It

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: Exodus 20:10

"Nextdoor is a social media platform that helps you interact and communicate with your neighbors. It allows you to have discussions in your local community about topics that are important to people who live around you. Nextdoor focuses more on community
relationships than personal ones.

On Sunday, December 24, 2023, a community post was published in Conroe, Texas, on the subject of Sunday laws, which received a lot of positive responses. The post said:
• “Has anyone been on the streets today? It’s wonderful. It’s sane! Just imagine, if we had blue laws again, it could be Like this every Sunday!
This communication attracted more praise than criticism, and the supporters of Sunday laws came out in full force. Some of the responses were as follows:
K.H: “I miss the blue law.”
D.H. “It’s the future! Lower fossil fuel usage, less greenhouse. It will do more for the environment than electric cars.”

This is not an isolated incident. It’s just one of many instances where people are insisting that Sunday laws should be reinstated in order to preserve society. The fact that social media is being used to advocate for Sunday as a day of rest shows how powerful these online spaces have become, rivaling, if not surpassing, mainstream media in numbers and influence.

These laws are a threat to our religious and civil liberties, as we know from both prophecy and history. Sunday laws are also in direct conflict with God’s Word, which commands us to keep Saturday as the seventh-day Sabbath." 

IN the NEWS - Someone Needs Some Rom.12:18....again

If it be possible, 
as much as lieth in you,
live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:18

"Pro-Palestinian protesters spent the weekend rioting, disrupting holiday travel, and targeting
Christmas in general in an attempt to force Americans to listen to their concerns by causing them inconveniences, disturbing their holiday plans, and irritating them.
In New York City on Monday, several hundred demonstrators carried a bloodied Nativity scene to Rockefeller Center. Some carried Islamic symbols.
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters converged on Midtown Monday, lugging a blood-red mock Nativity scene and chanting “Christmas is canceled here.”
Long live the intifada,” the crowd of about 500 demonstrators yelled, using the Arabic word for “rebellion” or “uprising,” as they mobbed the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree where revelers were enjoying the holiday.
On Christmas Eve, a pro-Palestinian caravan of cars disrupted Christmas caroling in Washington Square Park, the Post reported.
In Chicago on Christmas Eve, a group of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel demonstrators targeted the homes of local lawmakers before briefly shutting down Interstate 90 — the key artery connecting Chicago to O’Hare International Airport — in both directions.
The disruptions even reached suburban Memphis, Tennessee, where a pro-Palestinian crowd disrupted Christmas shopping." 

Creation Moment 12/29/2023 - Creation Does " Justly Induce"

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 
Romans 1:20

"The vastness, beauty, orderliness, of the heavenly bodies, the
excellent structure of
animals and plants; and the other phenomena of nature justly induce an intelligent and unprejudiced observer to conclude a supremely powerful, just, and good author

Robert Boyle (1627 - 1691), father of experimental chemisty

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Mirror of Law

And knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law; And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness, An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law. Romans 2:18-20

"What would we say to the man who should argue that mirrors ought to be abolished as worthless because no one can obtain beauty by
looking into them? 
We would say that it is not the function of a mirror to make people beautiful, that no one ever made such a claim for mirrors
The function of the mirror is to provide us with a means of knowing what we look like, whether we look as we ought. And when we have discovered how we look, we can take appropriate steps to remedy our imperfections.
Even so with the law
The law was never intended to make man holy or pure or beautiful.
 Its task is not that of saving man from his sins, 
but of showing him just what his condition is." 

Creation Moment 12/28/2023 - Learning from the SELF-ASSEMBLY of the Creator's DESIGN

In the beginning God created ...Genesis 1:1

"Look closely at a snowflake, and you’ll observe a one-of-a-kind gossamer lattice, its growth influenced by ambient conditions like temperature and humidity. Turns out, this sort of intricate self-
can also occur in metals.“Self-assembly is the way nature makes nanostructures,” she says. “We’re trying to learn to do the same things.” Figuring out how to craft tiny, complex metal shapes in fewer steps and with less energy could be a boon for manufacturers.

The researchers chose gallium as a growth medium, due to its relatively low melting point, ability to dissolve many other metals and the tendency for its atoms to loosely organize while in a liquid state.
After mixing zinc into the gallium, the team subjected the alloy to elevated temperatures and different pressures, and then let the mixture cool to room temperature. The loose ordering of gallium atoms appeared to coax the crystallizing zinc to bloom into symmetrical, hexagonal structures resembling natural snowflakes and other shapes, the team found. It’s somewhat like how a fruit tray imparts order on the fruits stacked within, Gaston says.

The future may be bright for research into applications of gallium and other low-temperature liquid metals. “Not to take that snowflake metaphor too far, but [this work] really hints at new branches for scientific discovery,” Gaston says." 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The "Really" File - (Tree Huggers--LITERALLY)

What is this thing that ye do? 
Nehemiah 2:19

"A woman who describes herself as “ecosexual” believes she is in the midst of a love affair with an oak tree.

The woman, Sonja Semyonova, 45, claims she connected with the tree during her lonely, solo walks in the summer of 2021. Those walks began in 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic. It was the same year that she moved to Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.

I was walking a path near the tree five days a week for the whole
winter. I noticed a connection with the tree,
” she said, explaining that she had been “craving that rush of erotic energy that comes when you meet a new partner, and that is not sustainable.

The presence I feel with the tree is what I’m looking for, but that’s a fantasy with a person,” she said, further describing her experience with the tree. “The feeling of being tiny and supported by something so solid. The feeling of not being able to fall,” she said, further describing her “erotic” experiences with this tree, although she said she does not have physical relations with the oak.
I would lie against it. There was an eroticism with something so big and so old holding my back,” she continued, asserting that there are major misconceptions about ecosexuality, which the environmental group the Sierra Club describes as “unabashedly queer.”
From the "Really" File

The website Here Come the Ecosexuals! defines ecosexuality, in part, as “a person that finds nature romantic, sensual, and sexy.”
Semyonova believes that ecosexuality is simply a “different way to explore the erotic.” For example, she said watching the seasons change is an “erotic act” to her.
You go from death in winter, and then everything comes alive in spring and mates,” she said, adding, “There are similarities between sex with people and the eroticism ecosexuals feel with nature, but they’re not the same.”

Further, Semyonova suggested that many people are simply repressed ecosexuals, but if they had the realization, many so-called climate issues would be easier to solve. 
She used outdoor picnics and hikes as evidence that some people are ecosexual. It remains unclear how simply enjoying God’s creation — whether having a family picnic near a stream or gardening in one’s yard — equates to having romantic or erotic feelings towards trees.

The woman’s erotic feelings for the tree could be better explained by the fact that loneliness stands as a massive challenge for adults across the globe. A Meta-Gallup survey released in October found that nearly one in four adults feel “very or fairly lonely.” That particular survey represented more than three-quarters of adults across the globe, as it did not include China." 

Heresy of "once-saved, always-saved"

"ONE OF the greatest deceptions of these closing days is the widespread teaching that once a man has passed from a standing, of “condemnation” to a standing of “justification,” he can never again
come under condemnation before God to the extent of being lost. 
It is claimed that no matter how completely he may afterward abandon himself to drunkenness, thievery, adultery, profanity, or any other sin even if he should die while practicing one or all of these sins-there is not the remotest possibility that he will be lost.. 
He may lose his fellowship, but he cannot lose his salvation.
 According to this teaching, being born again does not necessarily lead to discontinuance of sin. 
The instant a man believes in Christ and by faith accepts Him as Savior, he receives eternal life. 
This being the case, no amount of subsequent sinning can deprive him of this life. 
If a man dies in his sins, he is not damned; instead he is believed to go to be with Jesus! 

A leading champion of this theory has written: “God wants a clean people. And they can be if they will humble themselves and confess their sins. To refuse to do so is to invite the judgment of God in weakness and sickness, and persistent unrepentance may result in the Lord taking them home, and then they will face the judgment seat of Christ.” But on this very point Jesus said, “You ... shall die in your sins: whither I go, you cannot come.John 8:21.

1 once heard a preacher deliver a radio sermon on the prodigal son in which he emphasized that the prodigal “never ceased to be his father’s son.” 
--Meeting him after the broadcast and knowing him to be a believer in the once-saved, always-saved doctrine, I said, “This son wasted his living with harlots. Suppose he had died while living that way?” 
--His unhesitating reply was, “He would have gone straight to heaven.” 
--Holding the doctrine he did, he could not consistently answer otherwise. The problem is, How can this view be made consistent with Scripture? John said,

There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defiles.” And Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Q: And what of the claim that the prodigal son “never ceased to be his father’s son,” even while wasting his living “with harlots”-as the elder brother charged? 
A: Jesus gives the answer in the parable of the prodigal son, when He quotes the father as saying, “This my son ... was lost, and is found.” He was his father’s son; but he was a lost son. The same can be said of all who have turned back from Christ into the practice of sin. They are lost sons. If they die in that state, they certainly will not be taken home for cleansing; the only cleansing for sin that has ever been provided is the blood of Jesus Christ. 
Had the prodigal continued in his sinning, he would have continued lost. Says the Scripture, ‘Whore mongers . . . shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” And Paul said plainly that adulterers shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10.) This would have ruled the prodigal son out, had he died in his sins. 
The once-saved, always-saved believers 
class such as “carnal Christians.” 

Creation Moment 12/27/2023 - Ever changing vs. Christ

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 
Hebrews 13:8

"The 2023 discoveries that made us rethink the story of human evolution (New Scientist, 13 Dec 2023). 
Q: How can anyone trust a “science” that gets rewritten every time a new bone turns up? Reporter Michael Marshall, who believes humans evolved from apes, doesn’t know what to think any more. Read his embarrassing opening sentences:

"At this point it’s a truism that the story of human evolution is being
rethought. Discoveries in recent years have forced us to rethink many crucial points, such as how old our species is – about 300,000 years old as opposed to 200,000 – and what extinct hominins like the Neanderthals were really like.

2023 was equally dizzying: discoveries continued to come thick and fast. But because there are so many species and eras involved, it’s hard to discern the common threads linking them – at least, beyond “we found out some more stuff”."

Stuff happens, he says, and it happened in the past; we know because stuff got found. 
---Those ending sentences betray a long-standing problem in evolutionary anthropology: it is constantly being rethought. That has become a “truism” that continued into “dizzying” 2023. 
A truism is a “self-evident, obvious truth”—in this case, that human evolution is constantly being rethought. If thoughts don’t stick, they must not be very good thoughts.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Those who have had the Light of Truth

Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. 
James 4:8
"Age, position, or influence cannot save one of us from sudden sickness and calamity if the Lord says, “It is done.” 
Therefore let not those who have had 
the light of truth be presumptuous."

Creation Moment 12/26/2023 - AMEN

And all the people shall say, Amen. 
Deuteronomy 27:17

"Because most people will never master technical arguments, there is a desperate need for a nontechnical argument that stands on its own merits, independent of any technical work."
Douglas Axe

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Year round Christmas

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10

"In Spurgeon’s view, the true significance of Christmas was that it
compelled” people to “think of the birth of Christ.” 
Indeed, Spurgeon argued that “you may keep His birthday all year round” if one remembered that “in a spiritual sense He is born every day of every year in some men’s hearts.” 

IN the NEWS - President Milei Nailed It

"When politicians amass excessive power, a dangerous scenario unfolds, threatening the very essence of personal freedoms and the very foundation of civil society. 
This is exactly what the newly elected President of Argentina, Javier Milei, stated on national television and radio on December 20, 2023. President Milei expressed the following:

That doctrine that they call leftism, communism, fascism, or socialism, and that we call collectivism, is a form of thinking that
dilutes the individual in favor of the power of the state. It is the basic foundation of the caste model. It is a doctrine of thought that is based on the premise that the reasoning of the state is more important than the individuals that make up the nation. The individual is only recognized if he submits to the state, and therefore, we citizens owe reverence to its representative: the political caste. This means that individuals are nothing more than a means to the end of the state. It is a way of seeing the world that consists of the belief that a group of men, politicians, are superior to the rest of the individuals, and therefore it must be them who rule the destinies of their compatriots.....A doctrine that starts from the idea that a group of bureaucrats sitting in an office can plan the lives of millions of human beings, considering their desires, capabilities, preferences, and circumstances; it is a doctrine that considers that politicians, consequently, are
omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. This means that, in essence, it is a doctrine that considers that politicians are God. We have come to tell you that politicians are not only not God, but they are the cause of our problems.

The concentration of unchecked power in the hands of a few who want to impose “collectivism” on the rest of society is exactly what globalists like Pope Francis and others have been advocating. In politics, “collectivism” refers to the idea that individual rights are subject to the interests of the state or larger community.

As lawlessness and tyranny increase, God’s people must acknowledge God’s sovereignty above kings and rulers and proclaim His commandments and His gospel. 
As the signs of the times are being fulfilled, God’s church must throw off the shackles of bondage. Instead, let’s submit to the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ (Revelation 14:6–12) and preach it in all its fullness, which is the answer to all the wickedness and tyranny we are seeing today."
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Revelation 14:6

Creation Moment 12/25/2023 - "Evolution" of the Christmas Tree

And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:12

"In the struggle for existence, the conifers should have lost, because when angiosperms appeared, they had fancier valve jobs. That’s the feeling of a story introduced by Elizabeth Pennisi on Science Now.

 “Those of us who celebrate Christmas tend to take fir and spruce trees for granted around the holiday season,” she quipped, “But without a special modification that allows these trees to efficiently transport water, we might be hanging our ornaments on a ficus instead, according to a new study.” She explained:

In order for photosynthesis to occur, tall trees must supply their uppermost leaves with water, which is pulled up from the roots by evaporation. 
Angiosperms such as oaks and willows accomplish this using a series of centimeters-long, tube-shaped cellular pipes
Tiny valves made of cellulose membranes connect each “pipe” and help keep air bubbles out. 
Christmas trees and other conifers have much shorter pipe cells, however, and therefore must use many more valves than angiosperms. This should create more resistance and make it harder for them to transport water. But they don’t have any trouble at all, says John Sperry, a plant biologist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

Sperry’s team measured water flow in 18 conifers, including bald cypress, junipers and redwoods, and compared results with 29 species of angiosperms. There was no essential difference. Conifers hoisted the water with equal ease, despite the shorter pipe cells

Q: How do they do it?
A: The reason, says [Jarmila] Pittermann, has to do with key differences in the valves
Angiosperm valves are simple membranes full of miniscule pores. 
In conifers, the valves consist of a circle of impermeable tissue surrounded by porous tissue. The conifer’s pores are 100 times larger than those in angiosperms and allow water to pass through relatively easily. This efficiency more than makes up for the additional valves on the way to the tree top, Pittermann says.

The researchers said that this helps scientists understand water
transport in wood. “
But the work also points to how conifers, which predate angiosperms and are often considered primitive, were able to survive once angiosperms populated Earth,” Pennisi explains. Without these very special cells, one biologist claimed “there wouldn’t be any conifers anymore” – presumably because they could not compete against the angiosperms
*In the paper, the authors did not explain how or when the unique structure of the conifer valve evolved. They just said that without the adaptation, angiosperms would have a 38-fold advantage in water transport:

"The superior hydraulics of the conifer pit are crucial for minimizing sapwood resistivity. If conifer tracheids had the pit resistance of angiosperms, their sapwood resistivity would increase by 38-fold…. This, added to the narrow diameter range of tracheids, would make it much more difficult for conifers to compete effectively with angiosperms….
We conclude that the evolution of the torus-margo membrane within the gymnosperm lineage from homogenous pits was equivalent to the evolution of vessels within the angiosperms. The towering redwoods and the sweep of the boreal coniferous forest exist in no small part because of this clever microscopic valve." 

Q: What did evolution have to do with this story, really? 
Q: Did it contribute anything of value, even an ornament to hang on
the tree? 
---The results were not what evolutionists expected. 
Conifers ruled the Jurassic forests, then along come angiosperms with superior plumbing, and there should have been no contest. Those old, primitive conifers should have gone the way of the dinosaurs, and our Christmas trees would look very different.
Q: Sweep away the Darwinian mythology, and what remains? 
A: Two well-designed, highly successful groups of plants."

Saturday, December 23, 2023

SDA Issues: Agreeing With Paul on "God Forbid"

"When we preach the keeping of God’s commandments, we are simply echoing the words of the apostle John: “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous.” 1 John 5:3

We are simply calling on the 
justified-through-faith child of God
to live in obedience to God.

Paul, apparently, feared that some who read what he had written
about men not being justified by the
law might wrongly conclude that God’s grace frees us from any obligation to keep the law. He states the matter thus: “What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.” 
Paul, who knew that “sin is the transgression of the law,” is really asking this: Shall we transgress the law because we are under grace
He answers, “God forbid.” 

Creation Moment 12/24/2023 - Not a Stack of Bricks

And the earth was without form, and void; 
and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 
--And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:2

"To suppose that the wonderfully adapted biological mechanisms have
depended only on 
---a selection out of a haphazard set of variations, 
---each produced by blind chance, is like suggesting that if we went on throwing bricks together into heaps, we should eventually be able to choose ourselves the most desirable house. "
C.H. Waddington

Friday, December 22, 2023

The spot of His children

 The spot of His children. Deuteronomy 32:5

"WHAT is the secret spot which infallibly betokens the child of God?
It were vain presumption to decide this upon our own judgment; but God's word reveals it to us, and we may tread surely where we have revelation to be our guide. 

Now, we are told concerning our Lord, "to as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believed on His name.
Our Lord Jesus puts it in another shape. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." 

Here is the matter in a nutshell. 
Christ appears as a shepherd to His own sheep, not to others. 

As soon as He appears, His own sheep perceive Him—they trust Him, they are prepared to follow Him; He knows them, and they know Him—there is a mutual knowledge—there is a constant connection between them. 

Reader, are you in doubt, are you uncertain whether you bear the secret mark of God's children? Then let not an hour pass over your head till you have said, "Search me, O God, and know my heart." Trifle not here, I adjure you! If you must trifle anywhere, let it be about some secondary matter: your health, if you will, or the title deeds of your estate; but about your soul, your eternal destinies, I beseech you to be in earnest. Make sure work for eternity."
Charles Spurgeon

Creation Moment 12/23/2023 - The Attempt to Seize the CREATOR's Scepter

"We were made from dust in the image of our Creator. But in rebellion, our culture tells us that we are the creators now.
Q: What is the connection between climate alarmism, abortion, and transgenderism
Q: Or between feminism, critical race theory, and postmodernism?
A: The answer begins with an important truth about human beings, revealed in Genesis 2:7: “The Lord A: God formed the man of dust from the ground.
This truth tells us that we are not gods. It tells us that we are only creatures—part of the stuff that God created.

However, a whole other side of God’s nature is totally inaccessible to us, such as his infinity, omnipotence, self-existence, omniscience,
and so on. God will always be the great and mighty Creator. We will always be his dependent and finite creatures.

Remember, the serpent tempted Eve by falsely promising, “You will be like God” (Genesis 3:5). The first humans wanted something more than mere creatureliness. They wanted to be like the Creator Himself.

Transgenderism is fed by the belief that the fingerprint of God on our biology has no bearing on how we ought to live. We can redefine ourselves, rebelling against the definitions the Creator gave when he made the human race, male and female.

Abortion is an act that makes us the lord of another life. We can decide when life is life, or if a pre-born human should live. But, in reality, that decision has already been made by the Creator of life at fertilization.

As for LGBT, in Romans 1, the Apostle Paul argued that homosexuality opposed God’s creation authority. He did so because God has left a blueprint for sex in our anatomy. Biologically, it’s not hard to see how various parts of our bodies work together. But we deny this blueprint when we apply those parts in ways which they were evidently not designed to be used.

Climate alarmism puts mankind on the Creator’s throne. It says that we are in control of the climate’s destiny and therefore the planet. While we may see real value in being environmentally conscientious, God has told us that the ultimate destiny of the earth is in his hands—it will end in his time, according to his plan.

Critical race theory teaches that skin shades create insurmountable divisions between people groups. As different “races,” we experience different truth paradigms which cannot be shared. White will oppress black, and black will be victimized by white forever. But we know that God the Creator made just one human race—a radically shared humanity.

God made the first woman, Eve, with the commissioning word
helper.” Then, she is called “mother.” Whether or not she marries and has children, a woman is created as a person-centric human, with many relevant gifts and abilities.

But feminism enters the picture with one defining word—“independence.” It undermines the emphasis of her creation entirely. It totally redefines woman when God had already defined her.

In these examples of contemporary sociopolitical issues, the theme should be clear. 
We are in a struggle to pry the scepter from the Creator’s hands so that we may rule with it instead." 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

IN the NEWS - Climate CULT vs. God's Pinnacle of Creation

I have made the earth, 
and created man upon it: 
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, 
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
and man became a living being. 
Isaiah 45:12/Genesis 2:7

This CULT is now Targeting the Pinnacle of God's Creation...

"Human breathing contributes to global warming, according to a study published Wednesday in PLoS One. The authors argued that human respiration’s contribution to climate change has been
underestimated and merits further study.

Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,” the researchers, led by atmospheric physicist Nicholas Cowan of the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, wrote. “We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.”

A detailed analysis of test subjects’ diets failed to yield any indication that meat eaters produced more of either gas. While all test subjects exhaled nitrous oxide, only 31% exhaled methane. 
--These individuals, referred to as “methane producers” in the paper, were more likely to be female and over 30 years of age, though the researchers were unable to determine why this was the case.

There you have it; humans are bad for the environment. It was suggested that the authors of this study do the responsible thing for the environment and stop breathing immediately." 

IN the NEWS - Once Again, your "unseemly" Government

....also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly... Romans 1:27

"A report revealed that the House investigated a second gay sex
scandal as Washington, DC
, reels from the initial emergence of a graphic pornographic video filmed by a Senate aide.
That report confirmed the video “was shared in a private group for gay men in politics.” 
It is not immediately clear if the two episodes are explicitly linked or if the videos were shared among the same group.
One of the videos, watched by Semafor, featured a man masturbating inside a House office building, which was identifiable by standard Capitol House furniture and carpeting. The desk at which the videographer performed also held a branded congressional mouse pad. A screenshot of a second video obtained by Semafor shows two men engaged in a sex act in an office setting. The participants’ faces are not visible in any of the material viewed by Semafor." Breitbart

Creation Moment 12/22/2023 - 6 Days

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: 
Exodus 20:10

"Some people wonder why God didn’t instantly create the cosmos in which we live.
The Ten Commandments, the covenant document between Israel and God, uses the Sabbath to show that Creator and creature, God and mankind, share something. 
They share action in a continuity of time;
 that is, God’s action is linked to our history. 
It demonstrates the basis for real fellowship.
God is the relating One who is holy. 
That is, separate. 
The days set the theme that will finally come to fruition in the Incarnation of God (Jesus) among His creatures as one of them." 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

An Everlasting Love

Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love. 
Jeremiah 31:3

"SOMETIMES the Lord Jesus tells His Church His love thoughts.  'Thou art all fair, my love.' (Song of Solomon 4:7).

*It is true, this is not His ordinary method; 
He is a wise lover, and knows when to keep back the intimation of
love and when to let it out; but there are times when He will make no secret of it; times when He will put it beyond all dispute in the souls of His people

Ask those of the Lord's people who have lived the nearest to the gates of heaven, and they will tell you that they have had seasons when the love of Christ towards them has been a fact so clear and sure, that they could no more doubt it than they could question their own existence." 
Charles Spuegeon