Sunday, December 24, 2023

IN the NEWS - President Milei Nailed It

"When politicians amass excessive power, a dangerous scenario unfolds, threatening the very essence of personal freedoms and the very foundation of civil society. 
This is exactly what the newly elected President of Argentina, Javier Milei, stated on national television and radio on December 20, 2023. President Milei expressed the following:

That doctrine that they call leftism, communism, fascism, or socialism, and that we call collectivism, is a form of thinking that
dilutes the individual in favor of the power of the state. It is the basic foundation of the caste model. It is a doctrine of thought that is based on the premise that the reasoning of the state is more important than the individuals that make up the nation. The individual is only recognized if he submits to the state, and therefore, we citizens owe reverence to its representative: the political caste. This means that individuals are nothing more than a means to the end of the state. It is a way of seeing the world that consists of the belief that a group of men, politicians, are superior to the rest of the individuals, and therefore it must be them who rule the destinies of their compatriots.....A doctrine that starts from the idea that a group of bureaucrats sitting in an office can plan the lives of millions of human beings, considering their desires, capabilities, preferences, and circumstances; it is a doctrine that considers that politicians, consequently, are
omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. This means that, in essence, it is a doctrine that considers that politicians are God. We have come to tell you that politicians are not only not God, but they are the cause of our problems.

The concentration of unchecked power in the hands of a few who want to impose “collectivism” on the rest of society is exactly what globalists like Pope Francis and others have been advocating. In politics, “collectivism” refers to the idea that individual rights are subject to the interests of the state or larger community.

As lawlessness and tyranny increase, God’s people must acknowledge God’s sovereignty above kings and rulers and proclaim His commandments and His gospel. 
As the signs of the times are being fulfilled, God’s church must throw off the shackles of bondage. Instead, let’s submit to the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ (Revelation 14:6–12) and preach it in all its fullness, which is the answer to all the wickedness and tyranny we are seeing today."
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Revelation 14:6