Sunday, December 3, 2023

SDA Issues: The Horses of Zech.6 in action (real world application)

....and in the fourth chariot grisled and bay horses....and the grisled go forth toward the south country
And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth. 
Zechariah 6:3,7

God's people are the 4th chariot of the 7 Churches of Revelation
(the first two the red, second 
two the black and 3rd two the white).
God's people in the end are pulled by TWO horses. 
One (grisled--spotted) takes the same chariot south (into spiritual Egypt---the lost world) and the other (bay, which means "strong") takes the same chariot (instead to and fro the through the earth) like the 3 Angel's Message of the1ast Angel---having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,... Rev. 14:6

Example of the "bay" at work:
"White Horse Media, Remnant Publications, Project Steps to Christ, and Amazing Facts to partner together to hopefully print 1 million copies of False Prophecies about Israel, Babylon, and Armageddon, to be distributed soon throughout America through Facebook advertising. To learn more about this exciting project, visit" SteveWohlberg/Fulcrum7

Meanwhile, over at the self-ordained "grisled" progressives at Spcctrum Magazine and so-called Adventist Today are focused on this at the moment:
"In this Adventist Voices conversation, co-hosts Nathan Brown (Signs Publishing) and Dr. Maury Jackson (La Sierra University), speak with Pastor Greg Hoenes (West Region Director of the Southern California Conference) about .... focusing ecology, and religion/spirituality. He also studies the ways that racial categorization, racism, and the construct of “whiteness” connect to ecologies of land and environment, humans, and animals.....Hailing from Eastern Canada, with time spent as a chaplain in Western Canada, Ben Amoah now works as the youth pastor at La Sierra University Church....he creates safe spaces for cultural minorities.....Host Alexander Carpenter talks with best-selling author Hugh Howey about the “Silo” television series, based on his novel series Wool. They discuss philosophy, apocalypse, and ways that stories can explore the human condition...... Do we insist on Genesis’s being a precise and literal description of a six-day creation because our faith is actually too small? Perhaps, though, it’s not an either-or, an all-or-nothing, question.