Monday, December 18, 2023

Grey Heads & Black Hearts

Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.
Proverbs 27:23

"Every wise merchant will occasionally hold a stock-taking, when he will cast up his accounts, examine what he has on hand, and ascertain decisively whether his trade is prosperous or declining. 
Every man who is wise in the kingdom of heaven, will cry, "Search me, O God, and try me"; (Ps. 139:23) and he will frequently set apart special seasons for self-examination, to discover whether things are right between God and his soul.

Let the oldest saint look well to the fundamentals of his piety, for
grey heads may cover black hearts: and let not the young professor despise the word of warning, for the greenness of youth may be joined to the rottenness of hypocrisy. 
Every now and then a cedar falls into our midst. 
The enemy still continues to sow tares among the wheat."
Charles Spurgeon