Friday, December 8, 2023

Creation Moment 12/8/2023 - 20 Failed Evolutionary Biological Claims SERIES: A Puzzle for Natural Selection

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men...
1 Corinthians 1:25

"Prediction: ‘kinship’ theories of cooperation explain colony formation in eusocial animals. The naked mole rat and Damaraland mole rat (which is hairy) are eusocial—the colonies are organized like a honeybee or ant colony with a ‘queen’ and several males breeding and the rest of the colony caring for the young. 
This behavior—like that of termites and ants—is found in very few mammals, and it has remained a puzzle for natural selection.” 
With the naked mole rat, the colony is a virtual clone, so helping raise others ensures one’s own genes survive. So, the evolutionist reasons from kinship theory for the maintenance of such eusocial behavior. 
*However, the Damaraland mole rat colony is much more genetically diverse because the colony seems to prefer a replacement queen to come from somewhere else if their queen dies, contrary to kinship theory."