Friday, December 15, 2023

Creation Moment 12/16/2023 - How can anyone trust a “science” that gets rewritten every time a new bone turns up?

"The 2023 discoveries that made us rethink the story of human evolution (New Scientist, 13 Dec 2023). 
Q: How can anyone trust a “science” that gets rewritten every time a
new bone turns up? 
Reporter Michael Marshall, who believes humans evolved from apes, doesn’t know what to think any more. Read his embarrassing opening sentences:

At this point it’s a truism that the story of human evolution is being rethought. Discoveries in recent years have forced us to rethink many crucial points, such as how old our species is – about 300,000 years old as opposed to 200,000 – and what extinct hominins like the Neanderthals were really like.
2023 was equally dizzying: discoveries continued to come thick and fast. But because there are so many species and eras involved, it’s hard to discern the common threads linking them – at least, beyond “we found out some more stuff”.

Stuff happens, he says, and it happened in the past; we know because stuff got found. Those ending sentences betray a long-standing problem in evolutionary anthropology: it is constantly being rethought. 
That has become a “truism” that continued into “dizzying” 2023. A truism is a “self-evident, obvious truth”—in this case, that human evolution is constantly being rethought. If thoughts don’t stick, they must not be very good thoughts."