Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Will this be the Last - Ultimate Crises Era?

One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh:
but the earth abideth for ever. 
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;
Ecclesiastes 1:4,9

We have a Historical and Generational flow problem.
Q: How might this play out for the End Times?
Q: Will this Hiccup in our Historical Flow of Cycles be the Last Crises Era - the Ultimate One people have waited for?
(I was doing research papers on this topic about 3 decades ago at Ball State all the way back
to the Merovingian dynasty in France following the collapse of Rome. Also dabbled in some research on the topic in ancient Babylon and Persia. Have been watching History unfold since the 90's on this topic)

We are WAY, WAY Overdue for the climax of this Crises Era in this Historical Cycle. When it's later than its scheduled flow in History it's always worse than the last.

History comes in 4 Part Cycles:
I. Springlike High (In this cycle it was the post war boom of the late 40's to the early 60's--where people went about to rebuild the nation state such as the boom of suburbia and our interstate highway system--the "Leave it the Beaver Years" of one spouse working and able to pay for everything--crime rates drop).
II. Long Hot Summer of a Spiritual Awakening (In this cycle it was the Boomer Awakening of the 60's & 70's with the "Jesus People" on the streets, social protest and the rise of a spiritual/Religious Right looking for building a utopia and a secular Left looking for a secular utopia).
III. Cooling off of a Fall like Unraveling (In this cycle it was the 80's to around 9/11 with the rise of cynicism--as the utopia's are failed to be reached, and the nation crushed by the ending 70's inflation forcing the end to the "Leave it to Beaver" years. Voter participation plummeted and it culminated with the Perot movement reflecting the cynicism as well as the cynicism characterized by the "I didn't inhale" to "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" mentality).
IV. Cold Winter Crises (The spark was 9/11----still waiting for the rest--uh oh--not good).

The Crises Era has 4 sub-parts:
I. Spark (In the last Crises Era, WW2 and the Great Depression, the Spark was the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression. This time it was 9/11---the projected date was
around 2005.
IF a Spark comes more than 3 years to soon or late it usually is a much worse Crises than the last one, 2001 was 4 years early).
II. Regenerance (In the last Crise Era the government restructured with the New Deal to deal with the Depression. This time the government restructured with Homeland Security to deal with the War on Terror in the aftermath of 9/11).
III. Climax (In the last Crises it was WW2---there is always a War where there is a Winner and Loser and where fate truly hangs in the balance. The projected should have been around 2012----we are WAT, WAY overdue--the most ever--NOT GOOD).
IV. Resolution (In the last Crises Era it was twofold: 1- the U.S. would be the Leader of the Free World as a result of the War and 2- we went from a Capitalist Economy to a Mixed Economy with both Capitalism and watered Socialism which is what a Welfare State is, as a result of the Depression. One can see God's hand in the unfolding of the outcome in the first as the U.S. was set up to fulfill its calling in Prophecy as the Land Beast of Revelation. -- But with this Crises Era taking WAY, WAY too long--uh oh--get ready).

*There are 4 Generational Types that repeat themselves--coming of Age during different parts of the bigger 4-part cycle and in turn are molded by a part they come of Age in and then impact another part when in public leadership in society.
*Each has 2 waves; a 1st wave that reflects their generational personality and bears marks of the previous and a 2nd wave that reflects their generational personality and bears marks the next.
*Each Generation has 3 sub-groups. The Leaders (who reflect in the Public Arena their Generational Image) The Followers (the majority who follow along) and the Rebels (the small group who go against their Generational Inage and try to act like a different generation).

I. Civic (Choleric type) like the GI generation of WW2 who become a powerful generation because they won the War you couldn't afford to lose. In their elder years began to demand senior citizen discounts and began their own retirement communities to cluster together---coming of Age during the War.
II. Adaptive (Phlegmatic type) that are shaped as a Compromise Generation as a result of being children during the Crises--a much more dutiful generation---coming of Age in the aftermath.
III. Idealistic (Sanguine type) like the Baby Boomers experimenting in their collective youth just wanting to have fun and something deeper--giving rise to the self-help nonsense---coming of Age at the apex of the materialistic boom.
IV. Reactive (Melancholy type) like my fellow Gen Xer's who want to be self-reliant and left alone as a generation. A mentality of Get-It-Done and move on---coming of Age during the cynical Unraveling.

Q: So, what happened to Millennials and GenZ?
A: Millennials (Gen Y technically) were to be our next Civic Generation--akin to the GI generation of WW2, they missed their calling. The Big War didn't happen during their coming of Age. 
They had nothing of substance to focus on. Sure, there was the War on Terror, but it didn't escalate into what people thought it could at the time and faded and fizzled. I noticed them in the early 2000's forming little villages among themselves--like the last Civic generation did with retirement communities--only this time they were doing it in their youth with Social Media Villages such as MySpace. etc.
As a result of having nothing to focus on, it seems to me 
----THEY WERE LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES OF SOCIAL MEDIA and that is where are problems arise from. They were impacted by people with DISEASED IMAGINATIONS and POLITIOCAL AGENDAS by a few controlling Big-tech and now we see them living in a world in their own head--the rise of Woke
and SJW poison that has fractured the culture.
Now GenZ, that was supposed to be the next Adaptive generation, which has lived through a little turmoil as youth like COVID Lockdowns, have for the most part been impacted by Tik Tok and Big Tech. This is where we went from 10% of Millennials thinking their gay to 25% of GenZ. They are following in the path of Millennials as they have no societal calling and instead live in a Tik Tok world of their own making.

We can't win a WW3 when a whole generation was influenced to HATE their country--tearing down statues of Washington, Jefferson and even Lincoln--a generation brainwashed that their country is a White Supremacist nation, where they live in a world where there are more than 2 genders (a world that does not exist) and where, not more than a generation after 9/11 we see them shepherded into supporting Islamofascism in the Gaza-Israel conflict. 

****Sounds like someone behind the scenes has been trying to
thwart the Land Beast's rendezvous with Prophetic Destiny---but it will all work out.
Q: Will this overdue Crises Era be the Ultimate one? And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Revelation 16:16
Q: Are the Generational and Historical Flow Patterns of History Designed to Lead to, and Culminate in the Gathering?