Friday, November 10, 2023

To those who say the “Manna from Heaven was probably beetle cocoons.”

 Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; 

Exodus 16:4
To those who say the “Manna from Heaven was probably beetle cocoons.
"Problems with this are: 
The manna didn’t appear until the people cried out for food (Exodus 16:1–4). 
The manna evaporated in the heat (Exodus 16:21). 

The manna wasn’t there on the Sabbath. They could keep the manna overnight on Friday, but only Friday (Exodus 16:22–26). 

The manna appeared on schedule without fail for 40 years until the very first day the people ate the fruit from the land of Canaan (Joshua 5:12). 

Sure, there may be a type of beetle with a sweet, edible cocoon, but that doesn’t explain the numerous specific details given in the text about manna
Plus, I don’t know the nutritional makeup of these beetle cocoons, but they probably wouldn’t suffice as an entire nation’s sole food source for 40 years—few foods would." CMI