Saturday, November 25, 2023

SDA Issues: A "cunning lie from the serpent"

"Ellen White herself never used the word “trinity” even once. We should soberly consider this. So should Anti-Ts who seem obsessed with talking a lot about a term that the SOP never used.

Q: Some say that many SDA pioneers were anti-trinitarian. Is that accurate?

A: Yes, but as I said earlier, they mostly opposed a philosophical, highly speculative, and unbiblical Roman Catholic trinity. 

That said, our pioneers also grew in their knowledge of truth as they kept searching God’s Word (see Prov. 4:18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.)—especially as more light came from the Spirit of Prophecy. 

I have closely studied EGW’s writings during the Kellogg crisis inthe early 1900s and discovered that, more than at any other time, the Holy Spirit led her to write about “the Godhead,” “the heavenly trio,” “three living persons,” and the Holy Spirit as “the Third person of the Godhead.” 
These statements brought a flood of light to Adventists during that time. 

Unfortunately, Anti-Ts sometimes twist SDA history by teaching that Kellogg brought trinitarianism into Adventism, and that we are now apostate for accepting it—which is a cunning lie from the serpent. The truth is that, while again, EGW never used that word, she did clarify the truth about the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit at that time. 
Anti-Ts should humbly take a closer look at what EGW actually wrote in the early 1900s. If they do, they will discover new light previously hidden from their minds through false interpretations of the Kellogg era." 
Steve Wohlberg/F7