Wednesday, November 29, 2023

IN the NEWS - Schooling this Jesuit Priest on the Antichrist

"Jesuit Father Thomas Reese has asserted that Donald Trump is a true figure of the antichrist.
If we compare the Gospel message with that of Trump and other authoritarian leaders, we can only conclude that he and they are antichrists,” Father Reese wrote for the leftwing Religion News Service (RNS) this week.
In 2020, Father Reese stumped for Joe Biden, urging his fellow
Catholics to join the “
grassroots” group “Catholics for Biden.”
The launch event sought to “engage Catholic voters” and whip up enthusiasm for the Biden-Harris ticket.
Father Reese also attempted to convince Catholics that it is okay to vote for Catholic candidates who openly flout Church teaching on issues such as abortion.
A Catholic Democrat might feel impelled to vote for Biden despite his position on abortion and gay marriage because of other morally grave reasons, for example, his positions on racism, immigration, global warming and COVID-19,” Reese argued."

*So, this Jesuit thinks that people should vote for those who actively and proudly promote in the public arena SNUFFING OUT BEATING HEARTS THAT HAVENS'T YET SINNED and those who actively embrace with bravado a SIN of the LGBT movement that God labels ab ABOMINATION and the Apostle Paul yells us was the 3rd of three steps in the world's apostasy from God? (Rom.1)?
Q: Why does he project onto others what his side does? What did Trump do that was truly "authoritarian"? 
I can name things Biden has done that are: for starters proposing last year, but then backing down, his own Ministry of Truth Comrade, to regulate Free Speech in America. Or weaponizing the Government against his opponents like a banana republic.
1) As to "racism"--the "racism" sprouts out today from the very side of the political spectrum that this Jesuit wants people to vote for--the ones who make a living off of PICKING AT THE SCABS OF THE PAST so as to keep a voting block living in the past in anger on their political plantation -- same party that kept blacks on cotton plantations before the Civil War.
2) When he says "immigration" he actually means ILLEGAL IMMIGTARION. They are two separate things for words mean things. IF those who identify with the Christian label, who violate our immigration laws to come here, were following Scripture they would know that it teaches to OBEY THE LAWS OF MAN unless they tell you to break God's Law.
3) "Global Warming"? Why am I not surprised this Jesuit is into the CLIMATE CHANGE CULT and seeks to preach the GREEN GOSPEL rather than the Biblical Gospel?
4) As to "COVID-19" does he mean the FALSE NARRATIVES that were peddled about Lockdowns that didn't work, masking that was only 3% effective (even Fauci finally admitted on CNN earlier this year they were only 3-10% effective), and a COVID RNA based vax that doesn't really work after all, unlike DNA based vaxes that have been working since the rabies's vax in the 1800's!

NO, TRUMP IS NOT, NOR CANNOT BE THE ANTICHRIST, for the antichrist is a Spiritual / Religious power that cast the Sanctuary Truth to the ground, [and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.... to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? Dan. 8:12,13] blasphemed them the dwell in heaven (meaning the Godhead) like someone claiming to be the "Holy Father" in Rome [And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. Rev.13:6] and is an institution that stretches from Pagan Rome to the end of time [I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things....But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. Dan.7:8,26].....just saying Mr. Reese....