Sunday, November 26, 2023

IN the NEWS - Rome bowing to Buddha

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 
Exodus 20:3

"The Vatican continues leaving a trail of bad theology and
ecumenicms in its wake, with The Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue releasing a joint statment with the Mahamakut
Buddhist University, Chinese Buddhist Order of Sangha in Thailand, and others, on a recently held Buddhist-Christian Colloquium.

"As Buddhists and Christians, we see the Buddha and Jesus as Great Healers. 
The Buddha pointed to greed 
and Jesus to sin 
as the cause of suffering. 
On many levels, Jesus and the Buddha proposed love and compassion as medicine to drive out the darkness in the human heart and the world. Nourished by their respective spiritual teachings, Buddhists and Christians, for thousands of years, have adopted compassionate ways of living to address the suffering of life.