Sunday, November 5, 2023

IN the NEWS - Looks Like Bezos Can't Be In Church Leadership....

A bishop then must be blameless,.... not greedy for money... 1 Timothy 3:2,3

"The online retail giant Amazon used an algorithm called “Project
” to maximize profits to the detriment of consumers, according to newly revealed claims from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission

A secret algorithm, called “Project Nessie,” was used to inflate prices of goods offered on Amazon when price hikes were likely to be replicated by other online retailers, according to FTC claims. 

The technology, used between 2015 and 2019, is thought to have
generated over $1 billion in excess profits for the retailer. “
The sole purpose of Project Nessie was to further hike consumer prices by manipulating other online stores into raising their prices,” read part of the FTC’s filing. 

The government consumer regulatory agency said Amazon switched the algorithm off during the holiday shopping season and its highly-publicized “Prime Day” events, then turned it back on afterward to continue maximizing profits. 
Amazon generated $35.36 billion in profits in 2015, a figure which grew to $114.99 billion in 2019." Sputnik