Tuesday, November 7, 2023

IN the NEWS - Green Religion Iconoclasts

The word iconoclast comes from Greek and means "breaker of images".

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6  ... see, the Green Religion is a religion...they even have their own iconoclastic movement like in Christian antiquity.

"Two Just Stop Oil activists were arrested after using hammers to smash the glass protecting the Rokeby Venus painting at the National Gallery in London on Monday morning.
The Rokeby Venus by 17th Century Spanish painter Diego
Velázquez, which was previously slashed with a meat cleaver by suffragette activist Mary Richardson in 1914, was once again targeted by leftist activists, with two members of the climate extremist group
Just Stop Oil using safety hammers to smash the glass protecting the painting.
London’s Metropolitan Police said that they arrested two people for criminal damage.
The radical group justified the action by saying that “women didn’t get the vote by voting; it’s time for deeds not words”.
In a statement, one of the climate activists, Hanan, 22, who is described as a student from London, said: “Over 100 years ago, the suffragette Mary Richardson attacked the Rokeby Venus portrait for the unjust imprisonment of Emmeline Pankhurst. Today I have used similar methods in the fight for climate justice.” 

"Two climate activists smeared red and black paint on the pedestal and plexiglass case of a sculpture in the National Gallery of Art in
Washington, D.C., on April 27, the first instance of a
climate-protest attack on artwork in the United States. A man and a woman in dark suits poured paint on their hands and then smeared them on the base and protective case of "Little Dancer Aged Fourteen" by Edgar Degas at about 11 a.m. Police arrested them and cleared the gallery.
The activists, identified as Timothy Martin of North Carolina, and Joanna Smith of New York, both 53, were arrested May 26 after a federal grand jury indicted them on two charge of conspiracy, to commit an offense against the United States, and injury to a National Gallery of Art exhibit." 