Friday, November 24, 2023

IN the NEWS - Green Papal Legates Visit White House

And he (USA) exerciseth all the power of the first beast (papacy) before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Revelation 13:12

"A Catholic delegation, consisting of three US Catholic bishops and other church representatives, met with senior White House officials on November 17, 2023, to discuss the Pope’s message as outlined in Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum prior to the start of COP28, according to The Tablet, a Roman Catholic news agency. According to the report, White House officials were “receptive” and took these faith leaders very “seriously.”

The Tablet reported the following:
 “Three U.S. Catholic bishops and the head of a conference of women religious, met with Biden administration officials Nov. 17 to discuss
the Catholic Church’s priorities for what
Pope Francis has called ‘our suffering planet’
 “The delegation spoke with the White House’s John Podesta, senior adviser to the president for clean energy innovation and implementation; Ali Zaidi, national climate adviser; and John McCarthy, senior adviser for political engagement.”
 “We’re men and women of the church,” Bishop Weisenburger told OSV News. ‘And we echo what we find in Scripture, consistent church teaching — and brought into beautiful focus by Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum— that this is not just a scientific matter or issue. This is a theological and spiritual matter.
Ellis [a member of the Catholic delegation] was impressed by ‘how seriously the White House took these faith leaders’.”

The Vatican and the US are forming a new alliance, and it is very concerning to see the two superpowers of Bible prophecy—the US and Rome—uniting to advance the Pope’s agenda.
It’s official now. The US and the Vatican will work together on a shared vision—to promote the teachings of Rome in our nation and the world, exactly as Revelation 13 predicts. 

Three Catholic social teachings that are enshrined in the Pope’s message are the common good (a new just global order), ecological conversion (Sunday laws), and a universal fraternity (the three-fold union of apostate Protestants, Catholics, and spiritualism). These encapsulate the main points taught by Pope Francis.

In light of Bible prophecy, in light of this historical collaboration, in light of the dangers against true religious liberty, and in light of the law of God that becomes desecrated by the exaltation of papal falsehoods, Protestant America is truly becoming “an image of the Roman hierarchy” (Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, p. 278)." AdventMessenger