Wednesday, November 1, 2023

God's Eschatological Chessboard: World War 3, America and Prophecy

Glimpse of God's Eschatological Chessboard (pardon the phraseology) and how it functions behind the veil of the seen and unseen in this Great Controversy between God and His opponent played out on the Space Fabric of Time.

But the prince of the kingdom of Persia (Persia ruled the known world at the time--hence
Lucifer, the ruler of this world)
withstood me (tried to thwart God's plans behind the scenes) 
one and twenty days: (21 years) but, lo, Michael, (Christ) one of the chief princes, (of the Triune Godhead) came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia (trying to influence them to take moves to guide the flow of history)...Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: (the struggle continues behind the veil of the seen and unseen).
Daniel 10:13,20

IF a WW III erupts on earth will the U.S. fall?
On the surface it would seem likely we would be defeated...we are Weak, Woke and Broke.
Our Politics are Divided
The Republicans in a Civil War over Ukraine (between those
"Putin is bad doesn't mean Ukraine is good"
 says G.O.P. candidate Ramaswamy
supporting Ukraine fully and those saying "
pox on both their houses" of Russia and Ukraine).
The Democrats in a Civil War over Israel (between those supporting Israel and those supporting the Palestinians and thereby by extension Hamas whom they put and keep in power with their votes in Gaza).
"Biden Walks a Tightrope on Israel-Gaza
as Democratic Tensions Smolder
" NYT's Headline
From one extreme of those calling for "regime change" in Russia of
a duly elected President in a Democracy to the other extreme of those aligning themselves on the streets in a movement that in recent days has had people on camera chanting "gas the Jews".,,,and in the midst of all this comes reports that the U.S. is meddling in Ukraine's affairs trying to find a way to replace Zelensky with another candidate in Ukraine's 2024 elections because the Biden Administration backed war is floundering.

Q: But what about Prophecy?
The U.S. (Land Beast of Revelation) has a role to play---to remain the most powerful nation on earth in order to pressure the world into the Mark of the Beast.

So the apparent moves on God's Eschatological Chessboard could include:
1) War is avoided and American hegemony, though weakened, remains intact.
2) WW III breaks out, a time of trouble like never before seen hits
the earth, and the Little Horn of Daniel (Sea Beast of Revelation whose Mark is implemented on the world) cries Peace, Peace....then Peace comes, the
Mark of the Beast is pushed at Global peace talks as part of the solution as natural disasters heat up and Laudato Si' is whipped out. (*perhaps natural calamities are what causes a pause in the devastating war in the first place)....the world would also have pushed at the spiritually Ecumenical - Little Horn sponsored Peace Talks a Global
Programmable Digital Currency
to address the collapsed Global Economy (and thereby control buying and selling) then after the cries of Peace, Peace sudden Destruction comes (as a result of the Mark of the Beast) as Probation Closes a short time after and the 7 Last Plagues pour out.
3) WW III does break out, but the U.S. and its Allies win a surprising quick Victory and set the table for the Beast Power anyway.
4) God comes up with another move no man on earth has thought of.