Monday, November 6, 2023

Creation Moment 11/7/2023 - Well, Well, Well, what do we have here?

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise... 
1 Corinthians 1:27
In the story below from a secular site two things are of note:
1) They ADMIT that Different Dating Techniques Render Different Results...which COMMON SENSE Dictates that only one could be right---and that maybe they are ALL WRONG. 
Q: How many "dates" given throughout time on everything is actually wrong? 
A: I'm guessing nearly ALL.
2) Despite of their still clinging to millions of years chronology they have decided Mars may be much younger than they have thought. 

" It is possible the measures of age are largely wrong. 
Different dating techniques have returned different results, which means scientists aren't fully confident in estimates of when these rocks formed on Mars.
A team of scientists from the US and UK has now found a way to
resolve this problem. And, to their surprise, many of these rocks are indeed quite young – just a few hundred million years old, in fact. This information could provide clues about how long the meteorites took to get here, as well as geological processes on
Mars. Mars has come to the humans. Chunks of Martian rock ejected from their homeworld by processes such as violent impacts have wended their way through the Solar System to end up – smack! – crashing into Earth.
As we collect these samples of our neighboring planet, a curious pattern has emerged. Most of the samples seem to be rocks that formed on the red planet fairly recently; a peculiarity, given most of the Martian surface is so old."