Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Creation Moment 11/23/2023 - 20 Failed Evolutionary Biological Claims SERIES: Vestigial Organs as ‘left-overs’

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men... 1 Corinthians 1:25

"Prediction: vestigial organs as ‘left-overs’ of evolution. 
Evolutionists predicted vestiges of past evolution that are now useless
organs. They identified many candidates, such as the human appendix, tonsils, ‘tailbone’, etc. 
Because claimed vestigial organs have been progressively shown to be functional, some evolutionists have resorted to redefining what ‘vestigial organ’ means—an organ that has lost its original function and now has a different or reduced function. 
This is yet another rescuing device that shows how evolution is not falsifiable in the minds of those who have a need to adhere to naturalism."