Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Creation Moment 11/15/2023 - Christian Chemist Wins

That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; Colossians 2:2

"The clock has run out. Dr James Tour, famed chemist at Rice University, challenged ten of the world’s leading origin-of-life researchers to put up or shut up with simple evidence, and they all folded.

Not since Louis Pasteur challenged proponents of spontaneous
generation to answer his evidence against it has such a dramatic contest been waged by a Christian or creationist against the evolutionary establishment. Like Pasteur,
Dr Tour gained an easy victory. Belief in the spontaneous generation of the first cell by “chemical evolution” is today’s emperor with no clothes. Tour called their bluff, and they responded with silence. They should be shamed out of academia.

Dr Tour
is an eminent structural chemist at Rice University who has made recent headlines with molecular motors, his flash Joule heating method of forming instant graphene from any carbon source (including coal), and a method of recycling lithium batteries cheaply in a flash.

For the past couple of years,
Tour has bypassed the censors in the journals by posting detailed videos on his YouTube channel debunking “chemical evolution” with both depth and humor. These have become quite popular.

Last May,
Dr Tour debated a YouTube fake “professor” Dave Farina, on the question of whether or not origin-of-life researchers were clueless about how life appeared on Earth. Farina relied on smirking smears, ridicule, and Big Lies about published papers to claim they were “not clueless” — words he dramatically wrote in large letters on the blackboard. Even some evolutionists were disgusted with Farina’s disrespect and bad manners toward the distinguished scientist.

Dr Tour
put out a bold challenge on his YouTube channel. He
promised to admit he was wrong, take down all his anti-evolution material on his channel, and stop making more videos about chemical evolution—on one condition:
that any one of 10 leading origin-of-life researchers—all chemists with intimate knowledge of the chemistry of life—would answer just one of 5 questions about how life overcame particular hurdles that had to be surmounted before a living cell could appear. The questions are explained in the video, and the names and portraits of the contestants are shown.

To make it even easier for the 10 contestants,
Dr Tour took himself out of the judging and allowed three of the opponents to judge for themselves on whether they had succeeded. He published his challenge with flair in a video, wrote them all personally, and gave them 60 days to respond.

The clock ran out on October 24th.

We take you now to the link to the video Dr Tour posted yesterday of the results."