Thursday, October 19, 2023

The world is wobbling on a precipice of never-before-seen EVIL

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to
this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Matthew 24:21

Q: What could be worse than Hitler's Nazism and Holocaust?
A: Hamas and Islamist Fascism.

I. Hamas worse than Hitler....
Q: How did we find out exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews?
A: From their files they kept when they were defeated.
IN OTHER WORDS-- the Nazis didn't broadcast to the world what they were doing in the concentration camps. They didn't send photo's bragging about it to be published in the New York Times in 1945.
But Hamas and their ilk post pics in cyberspace bragging about their EVIL.

II. Suicide Bombings....
Q: Did the Nazis strap on Suicide Vests to kill Jews?
A: No. But Hamas and Islamist Fascists do (and fly planes into trade towers to their own death).
IN OTHER WORDS-- the level of HATE is so high, higher than Nazi HATE, that Islamist Fascists are known for Suicide bombings of people they kill yourself in order to kill someone you HATE is an unimaginable HATE beyond even Hitler.

SUMMARY: The world is wobbling on a precipice that is the most dangerous in its history. An abyss of EVIL where, IF WW3 were to
happen to break out in the near future, we are not only facing a HATE never before seen by any other generation in a war, but many nations have nuclear weapons at the beginning of a world war, unlike at the end of WW2. And they were used twice then to end it. Now they have them at the outset....a Bloodletting the World hasn't seen....

Factor in the moral rot of people in Christendom of 
slaughtering unborn children in abortion mills, embracing the LGBT agenda, transing their kids, replacing the Biblical Gospel with the Green Gospel, natural calamities, fear of global economic collapse---you get the picture----an opening for the Little Horn Entity to cry peace, peace....along with its green carrot stick of Laudato Si'.