Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Green Religion - the whole thing is Corrupt

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9

Dr. John Clauser, a renowned physicist and Nobel Prize winner. He vehemently opposes the notion of a man-made climate crisis. In fact, he believes it's all a deliberate hoax.

The Nobel Laureate is strongly joined by the founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman. The now-late veteran weatherman who has spent most of his life analyzing weather changes has something interesting to say. “Climate change is not happening; there is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn’t been any in the past, and there is no reason to expect any in the future,” he

Just recently, another leading dissident voice joined the party. American climatologist Judith Curry is making her doubts known loud and clear. In over a hundred scientific papers, the Georgia Institute of Technology professor emerita has described the consensus as "manufactured." According to her, "the time for debate has ended."

She also had scathing criticisms of her colleagues in the science world. She has accused other scientists of deceptively fuelling the man-made climate emergency for "fame and fortune."

Professor Curry has also bravely opened a can of worms concerning the science world. She has exposed what she described as a "climate change industry" where scientists have become puppets of politicians and moneybags.

She admitted to being recruited to fuel the climate hysteria. “I was adopted by the environmental advocacy groups and the alarmists, and I was treated like a rock star. Flown all over the place to meet with politicians. Like a good scientist, I investigated,” she said.

Professor Curry has been involved in years of research involving aspects such as atmospheric modeling, hurricanes, remote sensing, climate models, and lots more. 
She claims that her defection hasn't come without a price. Scientists who will not play ball will lose out on millions of dollars in grants as well as recognition. According to her, the "industry" only rewards scientists who are ready to raise the false alarm. " oPlaneta