Wednesday, October 18, 2023

SDA News - Brooklyn Police

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8

"The New York Post published a story on October 14, 2023, about a woman named Johanne Saint-Jean from Brooklyn who was targeted, harassed, and ridiculed by her police department for asking to get the seventh-day Sabbath off for worship. The article stated:

 “A Brooklyn cop and Seventh Day Adventist was derided as a ‘scammer’ after she requested to be off on Saturdays to worship,
according to a lawsuit

When she signed onto the job in 2016, Johanne Saint-Jean claims she was told she’d be able to adhere to her faith, a Christian sect that observes the sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.”
Instead, she spent the next eight years being chastised by superiors who allegedly told her, ‘You’re not Jewish. Why are you practicing like you’re Jewish’?”
Bosses told Saint-Jean ‘there is no place for her in the police department’ because of her religion.”
 “I don’t understand your religion,” one boss told her, according to court papers. Your religion is messed up’.”
A supervisor also said her religion was ‘not for black people’ and she started being assigned to work Saturdays, she said. As a result, she was forced to use her own accrued time off for the Sabbath and has lost out on valuable overtime and transfers to specialized units.”
Her problems multiplied in 2020 when Sgt. Robbin Abrams became her new boss, she contends. He allegedly told her that ‘no cop wants to work with you because you are a scammer’.”

Praise God for all those who are standing up for truth against great odds."