Monday, October 9, 2023

IN the NEWS - World's Antichrist Fantasies

 For there shall arise false Christs... Matthew 24:24

American Jesus brings the Biblical end of days to the modern era, and highlights the more optimistic view of what every Bible figure was meant to represent..... as it tells the story of the orchestrated birth of the Antichrist by the ruling class of satanists who secretly run the entire world. 
The Antichrist’s name was Jodie, and he was raised in the classic ‘small town USA’, so that when it was time for him to rise in political power, people would find him relatable. 
By the end of the book, everything had gone as planned. Jodie was the President of the United States, the American populace listened to everything he said, and he was regarded as the answer to everyone’s problems - even around the globe. It was perfect. 
There was just one problem: Jodie wasn’t evil, and in the end, surrendered to God’s love rather than trying to stamp it out. 
And that is what led some readers to think Jodie wasn’t the Antichrist at all, but instead was the Returned Christ all along, which is a theory that was confirmed by the creators of this comic themselves as an abandoned (though nearly used) plot point......Jodie was destined to be the Antichrist, but in the face of all the evil that came with the title, Jodie chose to reject everything he’d been taught and focus instead on the guidance of his own conscience
If he was the Returned Christ, then of course he would have chosen God over Satan in the end. 
But instead, Jodie chose neither side. Instead, he chose humanity, and let the manipulative powers of the ones above and below figure the rest out themselves." ScreenRant