Monday, October 16, 2023

IN the NEWS - The World Has Gone Mad....

Male and female created he them; and blessed them... Genesis 5:2

In the story below one can see the world demands to live in a world void of reality. In this world of their making, not only are men women, but stating the biological scientific obvious fact otherwise via pronoun usage, can land one in literal PRISON. The world has gone mad...we've said it before: the PATH TO FREEDOMLESS DEMOCRACIES...

"The left-wing Labour Party in Britain is reportedly planning on
making ‘misgendering’ someone a crime with up to two years in prison.

In a move that would introduce compelled speech laws, Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party
is preparing to create new hate speech legislation that would punish people for referring to someone with the “wrong” gender pronoun." Breitbart