Tuesday, October 24, 2023

IN the NEWS - Our Goose Stepping Youth to Hamas & LGBT

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Lesson here: the same social media and Education System that tells
your youth that it's okay to be
LGBT and Trans---and then 25% become "gay" and a third claim they are not sure what gender they are...are the same groups that brainwash your children to HATE Jews and Israel.
If you ever wonder how we could raise a generation that would symptomize with EVIL---well here it is... how the world can end up with a holocaust 2.0 against Jews and our youth GOOSE STEP to Hamas....also this same social media gave rise to their atheistic worldview the last 2 decades.....the same social media rise that correlates with the rise of school shootings in America...

"Polling shows that a majority of those aged 18-24 believe that Hamas’s massacre of 1,200 Israeli civilians in Israel was “justified.”
Buy guns, America…
In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves: Lots and lots of guns.
This Harvard Caps Harris Poll was taken before the death toll increased to 1,400.
Does anyone have any more questions about how something like the Holocaust could happen?
The poll asked, “Do you think the Hamas killing of 1200 Israeli civilians [in] Israel can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians or is it not justified?” And…
A slim majority of those aged
18-24 said it was “justified.” Only 49 percent said the massacre was “not justified.”
The news is not much better among those aged
25-34. Only a slim majority of 52 percent said the massacre of innocent civilians was unjustified, while 48 percent said it was.
Ages 35 to 44
— 39 percent said justified, while 61 percent said not justified.
Ages 45 to 54
— 23 percent said justified, while 77 percent said not justified.
Ages 55-64
— 11 percent said justified, while 89 percent said not justified.
Age 65 and up
— nine percent said justified, while 91 percent said not justified.
In other words… A shocking 51 percent of young people saw what Hamas did — the savages did live-stream it, after all — and living among us in what is supposed to be an enlightened age are millions and millions of young people who believe it is justified to commit mass murder, rape, and corpse desecration against innocent civilians.
Q: Why?
The answer to this question is as frightening as the poll results.
A: These idiots believe Israel is the oppressor and Gaza is the oppressed. That’s not even true. Israel has nothing to do with running Gaza."