Monday, October 2, 2023

IN the NEWS - The march towards FREEDOMLESS Democracy & the Mark of the Beast

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication.... Revelation 17:2
Think about the Kings of the Earth in all this....their tools for implementing their fornication with the Beast when the time comes...
Q: How might these sort of FASCUST TACTICS be used in Western Democracies during the Mark of the Beast controversy when it comes?

"The increasingly authoritarian government of Justin Trudeau in Canada has mandated that podcasting platforms and streaming services must register with the government’s broadcasting regulatory body and actively promote “meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.”

We are developing a modern broadcasting framework that can
adapt to changing circumstances. To do that, we need broad engagement and robust public records. We appreciate the significant participation during this first phase and look forward to hearing a diversity of perspectives at our contributions proceeding in November
,” said CRTC Chief Executive Officer Vicky Eatrides.

I know they never had ‘Free Speech’ in Canada, but now you can’t even have a podcast the Canadian government doesn’t approve of. Trudeau is a not only a Nazi supporter, but an actual Nazi,” commented left-wing podcaster Jimmy Dore in reference to Trudeau and the Canadian Parliament giving a standing ovation for a 98-year-old Ukranian who fought for Nazi Germany in World War II earlier this month.

Former Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate Spike Cohen quipped: “The next time Justin Trudeau and his Parliament give a standing ovation to a Nazi war veteran; Canadian podcasters might not be allowed to tell their fellow citizens about it.”

Under Trudeau’s leftist government, Canada has vastly expanded the criminalization of speech, with citizens even being arrested for seemingly minor infractions such as “misgendering” transgender individuals or for proclaiming that there are only two genders."