Monday, October 16, 2023

IN the NEWS - Gen. 6:11 Fills the Earth.... Again Pt.6 Burned Alive in Texas

The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence....But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Genesis 6:11/Matthew 24:37

"An Austin, Texas, neighborhood is on high alert after a woman’s body was found burned alive on the side of the road, with an arrest yet to be made.
Melissa Davis, 33, was pronounced dead at the scene after
firefighters found her when responding to a report of a grass fire in the upscale area of Cat Mountain on September 29, the
Daily Mail reported.
Police reportedly “smelled a strong odor of accelerant” near the victim’s body, which was located in a grassy patch next to the intersection of Mesa Drive and Cat Mountain Drive.
According to detectives, a lighter that appeared to be new and a butcher knife were also recovered from the scene. The search warrant for the case states that police believe the knife was “placed with the decedent in an attempt to destroy the evidence with the fire.”
An autopsy of Davis’s body revealed that she had been
burned alive, though the perpetrator is currently unknown. " Breitbart