Thursday, October 12, 2023

IN the NEWS - Bad Parenting: Exhibit A

Train up a child in the way he should go: 
and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 
Proverbs 22:6

It Begins in the Home.....

"MUNCIE, Ind. — Police claim a Muncie woman didn’t know what the big deal was about stealing a Kia from a car dealership in order to allow her to drive to Indianapolis for a job interview to be an exotic dancer.

The employee told officers that *** came to the dealership and asked to look at the 2013 Kia Optima. The employee had been preparing
the car for a test drive but said the phone kept ringing (and that no one was ever on the other end of the line when he answered). The employee reportedly told *** to wait a moment while he answered the phone yet again, but *** allegedly drove off in the Kia.....police used the Flock camera system to track the stolen car and spotted it on cameras going south toward
Indianapolis and then later returning to Muncie. Police connected *** to the car theft because she reportedly filled out a form on the dealership’s website to buy another vehicle prior to stealing the Kia.

Officers went to *** home where she initially lied to officers about her identify, according to police. *** reportedly told police she stole the Kia in order to drive to Indianapolis for an exotic dancer job interview
She didn’t understand what the big deal was, however, since she “returned” the vehicle later." WANEtv