Wednesday, October 11, 2023

How Satan baptized his pagan sanctuary....

"After the typical sanctuary of the first covenant had given place to the true sanctuary of God, Satan baptized his pagan sanctuary and heathen rites and ceremonies, calling them Christianity. Thenceforward he had at Rome a “temple of God” and in that temple, a being exalted above all that is called God or that is
2 Thess. 2:4
And this papal abomination has trodden under foot the holy city (Rev. 11:2; 21:2), by persuading a large portion of the human family that Rome, the place of this counterfeit temple of God, was ““the eternal city.” 
And it has trodden under foot and blasphemed God’s sanctuary or tabernacle (Rev. 13: 6; Heb. 8:2) by calling its own sanctuary the temple of God, and by turning away the worship of them that dwell on the earth, from “ the temple of God in Heaven,” to the sanctuary of Satan at Rome. 
Such has been the nature of the warfare which Satan has maintained against the sanctuary and the cause of God, in his vain attempts to defeat the great plan of redemption." J.N. Andrews